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Need advice with ethical matters (unintentional plagiarism & intentional dishonesty)

Yep, it's no wonder so many international students struggle!

Need advice with ethical matters (unintentional plagiarism & intentional dishonesty)

Quote From Tudor_Queen:
If it helps, pretty much all the international PhD students I know weren't aware of the plagiarism rules and thought what you were describing was ok.

I don't want to dispute this - but how can making up data and copying and pasting someone else's words ever be thought of as OK?!

They told me they were never taught any differently. They were shocked when I told them how they had to write their literature review from scratch. Previously they just cut and pasted whole paragraphs from other papers (references included) with no attempt at modification at all.

Need advice with ethical matters (unintentional plagiarism & intentional dishonesty)

Quote From r90:
Are we talking here about the intentional act of falsifying data only? Or also about the unintentional plagiarism? Also and in worst case scenario, do you think that the consequences of such acts of mine (both the intentional and the unintentional one) would go as far as revoking my degrees?

Both. I know some academics in Germany have had their PhDs revoked for plagiarism as you have described but that is because they are high profile. It doesn't matter for you. Of course, there's always the risk that at some point in the future if you became a high profile academic and someone investigated your work the degrees would be revoked, but this is very unlikely.

If it helps, pretty much all the international PhD students I know weren't aware of the plagiarism rules and thought what you were describing was ok. I'm sure their masters theses were plagiarised in this way too. Plus, on this basis, I expect many students at your university plagiarised, what are they going to do, revoke all their degrees too? And I've seen a recent article saying something about undergraduate plagiarism being very common when it comes to data collection, so I really wouldn't worry too much. Just don't repeat the mistake.

Need advice with ethical matters (unintentional plagiarism & intentional dishonesty)

Quote From chickpea:

Well, from what you have said, the project was completed a while ago and you have no intention of publishing it. I think this means that any consequences would really just affect you, in terms of your relationships with your supervisors, who might not know what to do with the information. My personal opinion is that confessing at this stage would be a rather odd and potentially damaging thing to do.

I agree, best not to say anything now.

have you ever started a collaboration?

Generally this is what happens with articles co-authored by you and your professor, You write it, they check it.

You should check with him if you want to include others as well.

Then you can just contact them as you suggested.

how long does it take for your journal manuscript to get a YES or NO?

It's always a good idea to check publication times of previous papers before choosing a journal. You can find this on the journal website or by looking at the publication history on the papers.

In science, 7 months is way too long. Reviewer turn around should be within 1 month generally.

Quitting PhD Advice

-Has anybody been/is going through anything similar to this? Not me, but there's probably a few on here that have

-If I quit now and considering my university grades, what chance would I have of starting a different PhD in the future? This will be very difficult because people will worry that if you have quit one PhD you may quit another.

-With my academic background and quitting a PhD, I am worried I will struggle to land a job. Any advice for someone with my grades for landing a job? Finding a job will be ok - you have a degree. Plus read the posts on here - a PhD is no job guarantee and in some cases can make it harder to find a job as you are viewed as over-qualified.

-For research based jobs which state a PhD as a requirement, is there routes into these jobs which don’t require getting a PhD (I realise this sounds really stupid but I’m asking anyway)? Not to my knowledge. If you did get such a job, it might be under the requirement that you do a PhD part time.

-Would anyone recommend a leave of absence over straight out quitting considering what I’ve written above?
Yes, gives you time to change your mind.

-Has anyone quit a PhD without anything lined up? I feel like the logical thing would be to look for something before quitting but I just want out tbh. Always best to have something lined up first. I would quit my job right now if I could (postdoc) but I'm applying for new jobs first.

Masters and PGCE funding

I think you can; I don't think whether you have an MSc/MA or not determines eligibility for funding.

SPSS Help?!?!

I'm not great with stats, anyone else?

What am I in for? PhD (Social Sciences)

Can anyone in social sciences help?

Best programmes for academic poster?

I think it would come out with poor resolution yes, although I've never actually tried this as I always resize the template prior to starting the poster.

"reviewers assigned" and "Reviews Complete"

Agreed, this can mean under review by an editor after the peer review has been completed.

Can you cite a conference poster?!

I cited a poster in my thesis originally, but then the paper came out that the poster related to so in the final version of my thesis I cited the paper. I think it's fine to cite a poster in your thesis, probably not so much a paper.

Post-doc research proposal - how does it compare to PhD proposal?

I think it's different in the sciences. We would generally apply for an advertised postdoc position, unless we have some really good data and papers from our PhD and then we could apply directly for an early career fellowship. We wouldn't necessarily be continuing with our PhD work. I think a postdoc project can be similar to a PhD but you would expect to achieve more as you would be more experienced.

is a post doc position possible without my PhD supervisor's reference/reco letter?

You are not supposed to do two PhDs. What would be the point? Unless you change subject area drastically, no one would fund another PhD.

You should start by applying for advertised postdoc positions - these will be listed as Research Associate or Research Assistant - writing to potential supervisors randomly won't be very helpful.