Overview of Tricky

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Four letter word--change a letter


Five letter word--change a letter


Four letter word--change a letter


Quiz--What Advanced Degree Should You Get?

You Should Get a MD (Doctor of Medicine)

You're both compassionate and brilliant - a rare combination.
You were born to be a doctor.

Where can I buy the season 3 of Heros?

This almost looks like an advertisement!

I doubt season three is available in the UK yet seen as it is currently being aired.

XKCD & Piled Higher and Deeper
The Facebook-esque post your current status thread

Tricky is in the lab on a Saturday morning... Rock and roll!

scholarships and advisors

In addition to this.. I think in the US the supervisor is called the advisor? I could be wrong

so how bad IS the money?!!!

======= Date Modified 17 Oct 2008 10:19:34 =======
======= Date Modified 17 Oct 2008 10:19:10 =======
I am doing a PhD in the area of veterinary science/microbiology and I get a basic stipend from the BBSRC of £12,940 p.a. then an enhancement from my industrial partner as I am doing a CASE studentship; the minimum contribution from any CASE partner with the BBSRC is £2,500 p.a.. The BBSRC stipend for studying within London is currently £14,940 p.a. and remember all this funding is tax free. So by the looks of it you would be getting more money doing a PhD than what you are currently getting.

I just saw smoobles' post - As I understand it the £19,940 for the recognised veterinary degree only applies if that is written into the initial PhD proposal and the particular project specifically asks for a vet degree. I have a vet degree but alas I don't get that amount of money because it wasn't in the original proposal.

meeting in London

I can't make either of those dates unfortunately :-( I'm at a conference in Newcastle on the Friday then taking my other half to meet my mum for the first time on Saturday!

Quiz--How British Are You?

You Are 85% British

Are you British? Hell, you're more of a Brit than the Queen is!
You're truly the dog's bollocks... and you know that's not an insult.

So what if you're a slobbering drunk obsessed with football?
At least you always remember your manners

'I am bored' thread

I like those giant fluffy microbes.. But maybe it's cos i am a microbiologist!!

What Colour is Your Mind ( quiz)

Your Mind is Green

Of all the mind types, yours has the most balance.
You are able to see all sides to most problems and are a good problem solver.
You need time to work out your thoughts, but you don't get stuck in bad thinking patterns.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about the future, philosophy, and relationships (both personal and intellectual).

Data in excel file

Well one thing you could do is create an extra column with alternate 'yes' and 'no' in them.. So for the first two rows type yes in the line you want and no in the line you dont want.. then select the two boxes.. copy them then select the whole 'yes/no' column by clicking once on the column head (this should highlight the whole column) then paste the yes and no into it.. this should then do alternate yes and no down that column.. Then select all the columns containing your data and go to the 'data' tab and click sort in the drop down menu.. this should bring up a sort box.. you can then use this to sort the yes no column so all the 'yes' rows are together. You can then get rid of all the 'no' rows.

Its been a long day so this might be hard to follow.. if it is let me know and i can try and explain it better!

What Colour Day Are You Having ( quiz)

I'm having a blue day too.. I blame the 4am start!