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Can somebody please please please explain Phenomenography...

I understand it to be when you are analysing/describing/understanding the thought processes involved in an experience.. but looking at the interpretations of the experience of a variety of people.

Dissertation not related to PhD...

I think that potential supervisors must look at where you did your undergrad degree as some institutions are better than others.

Being a Law Academic?

Oh and he is going be researching trusts in the family home or something like that.. Stuff to do with cohabitation and distribution of wealth.

Being a Law Academic?

He hasn't completed a PhD yet, he is starting in October. It was suggested he applied for the lectureship on merit of his undergrad and masters courses as he had achieved a First in both. The interviewers told him that it was purely the lack of publications that meant he didn't get the job and a PhD wasn't always necessary.

He had two PhD offers one of which didn't appear to focused on him publishing articles during the PhD but the other one (the one which he is going to do and is the place where he did his undergrad) want him to publish stuff but will support him all the way.

I see your point regarding the differences in what would be needed to do a law phd and a science phd (as I am a science phd student). Saying that I know we in the sciences are quite lucky in that we have great resources such as pubmed etc for getting articles where as alot of law texts can be obscure and it can mean sitting for ages in a dusty library trying to find cases etc.

Being a Law Academic?

My partner is pursuing a PhD in Law as a means to enter 'Law academia'. This is partly because he wants to teach & do research, and secondly because at this stage in his life he doesnt want to be a barrister etc.

From what I have picked up there is pressure to publish as he got turned down for a lecturing job purely because he had no publications to date.

Had a postdoc interview today

Sorry to hear that 404, I guess its just like applying for PhDs all over again!

Good luck with the postdoc search!!

Dissertation not related to PhD...

Well firstly not having a masters shouldn't hinder you.. I don't have one and it didn't cause any problems for me..

Secondly I don't think that your final year disertaion is much of an issue.. Mine wasn't really linked to what I am doing now and again that wasn't an issue.

If you are interested in the PhD then go for it Oh and the UEA is not a bad uni either, Norwich is a nice city

final year and illness

I had post viral fatique syndrome a few years ago and it is hard to cope with. I was on a uni placement seeing practice at a vets at the time and I would come home about 7pm and would pretty much go straight to bed then be knackered and lethargic again the next day.. Its just one of those things you have to ride out but it does get better. My advice would be to take a few days off, do no work, chill out and make sure you eat/drink/sleep properly.. Its good to exercise too as that gets your heart pumping etc etc and releases endorphins which make you feel better.. Oh yeah and Chromium is a good supplement to take as it boosts energy levels.

My 1st Year Fees Are In My Dog :)

It is good money, and it's good fun but it is hard work.. we had pups with our dog last year

what you going to do

Veterinary microbiology.. focusing on intestinal health

what you going to do

I've thought of going into Industry.. I have a CASE studentship and the industrial sponsors have hinted at me working for them once I am done which would be cool :o)

I've also thought about working for the government... working for a department like DEFRA or the VLA.

Room 101 (grumpy old postgrads)

Thats really crap I bet you are tempted to put them straight!!

Room 101 (grumpy old postgrads)

Hehe just had another thought for an inhabitant of room 101.. 'Dr' Gillian McKeith!!

made it at last

Well done.. good luck with it

Room 101 (grumpy old postgrads)

It is really frustrating that people see a PhD as just you dossing about for 3/4 years 'sponging' off the government for beer money.

My cousin who is a cheeky little sod always asks me how school is going lol.

I have had a 'real job' and this PhD malarky is much harder work!!