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Second year accountability thread

Quote From phdbug:

======= Date Modified 07 Dec 2009 17:44:23 =======
Bug started smoking:-)

Right Bug, give me your fags! I'm going to put the burnt stumps into a jar of warm water and then make you drink it. It worked for PJ on Biker Grove when he was caught smoking. Wai aye man!

Sneaks' accountability thread

Quote From algaequeen:

oh i totally know that feeling!! SOmetimes I think I'd like to run away and do a non-thinking, minor responsibility type of job forever...like in a coffee shop or something...but then i remember I've done every sort of public service/customer service/food service/cleaning/office type job imaginable since i was 13 and I know I wouldn't be happy unless I was causing myself academic agony...ah hooo!!!

I can empathise with you there. Rude customers or PhD and chance of a better paid career? Mmm, PhD!

Sneaks' accountability thread

Okies, my plan for this week is the following:

1) Get the paper finished.
2) Re-write 2 thesis chapters.
3) Read for other chapters.
4) Begin development of idographic scale.
5) Establish cognitive interviewing protocol - in fact learn about cognitive interviewing.
6) What the hell is my thesis going to look like? Better get drawing some pictures.
7) Plan the next paper.
8) Procrastinate on here to get a bit of light relief.
9) Maybe look forward to Chrimbo - just a bit.

The PhD Insomniacs Thread

It's about half past 3 in the morning and I just can't sleep, worries related to my PhD and the progress I'm making, what I'm going to do for money when my PhD inevitably stretches in to a fourth year whirring in my mind. Funding opportunities for a post-doc are contingent on me finishing in around 3 years, and I just can't see this happening. Worries that we all doubtless face. I've just finished watching 300 to try and take my mind off things - really shouldn't have done that since it got my adrenaline racing - what a good film!
So, I've decided to start a thread for insomniacs. Should anyone find themselves bereft of sleepiness, you can post on this thread to say hello to anyone else about in a similar situation. My hope is that insomnia need not be as isolating as a PhD, if you don't want it to be. So, nocturnal owls of cerebral mania, say hello if you're about at any point in the wee small hours.:-)

Sneaks' accountability thread

======= Date Modified 07 Dec 2009 10:22:47 =======
============= Edited by a Moderator =============
B******s. My paper is finished but at 9,000 words exceeds that maximum word count of the journal I wish to submit to by...5,500 words. I just called them up as they haven't put this on the submission instructions. Crap!

Sneaks' accountability thread

Tables for the results of the paper done. Now needs cutting down, abstract needs doing and a couple of extra details need adding.

This country is ruining my confidence

Quote From sneaks:

I already solved the energy crisis - walk everywhere and have a blanket

and carbon footprints - trees.

Hmm, quite a good solution there Sneaks, but I think I can advance it. Everyone should do a PhD and receive the average PhD stipend. That way, no one would be able to afford to use their heating, buy lots of stuff that requires energy intensive processes or run a car very much. Plus everyone would be too busy to have babies (in the main) solving the population crisis. The only problem would be the strain on the NHS mental health services.

This country is ruining my confidence

Quote From cleverclogs:

She's Swedish. I heard she took an ikea chair to work, stood on it and sung the Swedish national anthem, then threw meatballs at her colleagues.

Do you know Cloggsy, I'll never understand genius. Maybe because your IQ is 10 times the size of the average reasonably capable person, but is there any need for saying something like that? Maybe it's just a sign of how simple everything in the world is to you that's making you frustrated. Why not do something useful while your prepare for you viva, like solve the energy crisis? It shouldn't take someone like you long, should it?


Personally, I can't see the point of Twitter.

Let's see what everyone else thinks in their moments of procrastination by answering this question.

Twitter is a marvellous addition to social networking and a wonderful means of keeping up to speed with the latest developments, unrivalled by RSS feeds and and checking source websites for updates. Discuss.

Sneaks' accountability thread

Right, I'm going to join this thread today - you did say it was cool to do so Sneaks! Spent the morning buying some plasters and tea tree oil from Boots but now I'm ready to do work. Objective: Finish the first draft of the paper and send it through my optical fibre broad band cable to my supervisor's e-mail address. Ready...steady...go!


Just going to make a cup of tea

The nocturnal workers' thread

Quote From chrisrolinski:

2/3 of the way through my changes, I can do it - i will do it!!!

Well done, Chrisrolinski! 1/3 to go - you can do it!

10 months to go, what keeps 'you' going in the last year?

Hi Bilbo, I have less than 10 months to go with only around 7 months. And guess what? I'm only about half way through my data collection. What keeps me going is the knowledge that I'm too far gone now and that I can't turn around and quit. I do get stressed daily and I've been upset in the past with feelings like I've really taken on too much and, at the age of 28, chucked my life away. I know that seems melodramatic but, in retrospect, I wouldn't have taken on such an ambitious PhD. It's huge and I need to know about so much that if I concentrate on one area of it for any length of time I forget about another area. I think what keeps me going on in addition to this is that I'm not a quitter and I have to see my PhD through. Besides if I did decide to drop out, I wouldn't be any better off. I'd end up stuck in a job I wouldn't enjoy and I'd always wonder what could have been. The only thing that would stop me from doing my PhD, and I know this sounds obvious, is if I won the lottery - not much chance of that!

The nocturnal workers' thread

Hello, Chrisrolinki and Teek. Let's go and sit in first class where there's lot of room to do work! The paper I am writing is horrible and the most evil type of all - the systematic literature review. It's challenging because the breadth of coverage is enormous and quite specialised. It's about 10, 000 words but I have an inkling that it's just going to be too big and will need cutting down. So, I'm going to get as much done on it as I can before going to bed and starting on it again tomorrow.

The nocturnal workers' thread

It's paper-writing party time at Walminskipeasuckers! Please tell me I'm not the only literary midnight dancer in the corner tonight. Being the only passenger on the Midnight Express can be a lonely occupation. Oh well, choo choo and away I go.:-)

I fancy my supervisor

Quote From timefortea:

Looks like one of each so won't be dressing them quite the same!

A boy and a girl! That's the best of both worlds! So far in my family my bother and sister have all had little girls. With their respective partners, I hasten to add (my town is weird, but that's a separate thread for another day!). I have no children of my own as of yet, but that's probably a good thing because my nieces are and handful whenever they are up and one of them has stolen the talus off one of the feet of my skeleton.