Overview of Walminskipeasucker

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The Great Star Appeal

Quote From chrisrolinski:

I've been here your year, FOR years, spilling my pearls of wisdom hither and tither - for owt! Gimme stars now!!!! :p

There you go, Chrisrolinksi!

The Great Star Appeal

Quote From sneaks:

Quote From sascha:

I'm afraid you'll have to spend time procrastinating and creating your own cloths using the download option as there are more important things then avitar outfits ant this end, but we are trying to fix the helpful button for Wal!

But Idon't understand how - I know you can download the 'shell' but then what!?? do you use paint or something to create a suitable look?

I did vote for you Sneaks!

The Great Star Appeal

Quote From eska:

Yeah, can we have some skinny jeans and shoulder paddy type dresses and jackets. Also, those frilly dresses make us look like jelly fish, so can we have something more flattering in the girly options please?

Congrats Eska, you now have 3 stars!

The Great Star Appeal

Quote From sneaks:

Maybe the mods thought you would use the button irresponsibly Wal

I'd use it judiciously Sneaks, judiciously...

The Great Star Appeal

Correct Eska, I've never voted anyone to be helpful - I've always now, I realise, been denied the right. That score board for stars would look very different had I been. I'm going to be busy if this ever gets sorted out for me - put it that way.

The Great Star Appeal

But I don't even have a button that I can press to vote for a person. There's no option there.

The Great Star Appeal

The Forumgate Scandal 2010!

The Great Star Appeal

Darn, I don't have one then. I'm going to have to get in touch with the moderators. :-s I have quote and send PM only.

The Great Star Appeal

Eska, you've never been more correct. I'm going to click on the helpful user button for both yourself and Sneaks - and Juju (incase Juju is helpful to me in the future). I can't see the helpful user button though - even though I'm logged in :-(


Quote From sneaks:

Quote From walminskipeasucker:

Sneaks, I think you should consolidate any residual feelings of motivation that you have and concentrate on getting some admin work out the way. I hope you find my comments HELPFUL and REWARD me APPROPRIATELY by NOMINATING ME FOR AN ADDITIONAL STAR.

I have clicked you as helpful user wal, although this clearly isn't the case!

Honestly, Sneaks, you could at least make me feel like I really am a helpful user! You'll be making me listen to Paul McKenna's How to Feel Positive About Yourself CD next! Where do you click for helpful user? It's only right that I acknowledge your genuinely very often helpful comments.


Sneaks, I think you should consolidate any residual feelings of motivation that you have and concentrate on getting some admin work out the way. I hope you find my comments HELPFUL and REWARD me APPROPRIATELY by NOMINATING ME FOR AN ADDITIONAL STAR.

The Great Star Appeal

Well, I want something to show for my PhD, so having four stars would be brilliant and provide me with another reason to drink too much. So, if forumites would be nice enough to award me an additional star, then you would be improving my quality of life whilst doing my PhD. Hopefully, it'll be much more useful than the Paul McKenna CDs I've been listening to lately. Increase Your Motivation with Paul McKenna...erm, no Paul, you just make me laugh hysterically as you demand I close my eyes, play cheesy background music and then whisper incoherently in my ears "shh, shh..blub..blub...you must work harder, blub, shh...you're a great person". Or Change Your Life in 7 Days with Paul McKenna..again the cheesy music and: "You're a caterpillar, becoming a crysallis...emerging into a beautiful butterfly...imagine yourself in your favourite suit...that's you all the time".
So, I'm thinking an additional star would work wonders for me, raise my self-esteem enormously and make me a better all-round person. Something that even Paul McKenna and his 'PhD' can't do for me. That's why I'm launching, the Walminski Great Star Appeal.

The Great Star Appeal

It has come to my attention that certain members of this forum now have four stars, yet still I only have 3. As a third year PhD student, I find this situation absolutely outrageous (well, not seriously) and feel an urgent need to redress the balance. I must say that I am loyal to this forum, and never ever post on any other forum whatsoever (not even www.weirdos.com-actually a website (just checked)). As if I have not already given enough compelling reasons, it's my birthday next year and I've very recently passed my driving test (but the clutch has broke on my second hand car bought from Honest Harry).

For anyone whose lives are disappearing under the PhD tsunami

What a nice counter-balance to my earlier doom and gloom post! A lot of it is state of mind, I'm beginning to think.

Phenomenology vs ethnomethodology