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Waiting for AHRC news

Thanks a lot, mskoncept!

According the stats, as an under-25 male with a First, I have a 42% chance of an offer for my MA in Philosophy! If this year is anything like the last, that is...

Waiting for AHRC news


you said, "If you look at the stats v few people with 2is get funding, there's so much competition, so it's not in a Univ interest to put forward candidates with 2is."

i got a 1:1, but could you tell me where you saw those stats? it silly really, although its all beyond me doing anything now, i'm trying to find any information on the process i can! nervous times!

Waiting for AHRC news

I have read about major cutbacks in ahrc funding recently, it was in the news. On the other hand, I read on a forum from two years ago that in my panel - panel 8 - there are only 2.5 applications per award, as opposed to 6.5 in panel 2 and 4 across the board. Wait and see i suppose!

Waiting for AHRC news

i'm waiting to hear about funding for an MA, pretty nervous! as we've all made it through the quota, do you think the chances of us getting awards is now higher, since there are presumably fewer applications being sent to the council?