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How do I handle my PhD?

Does this mean my PhD and H's PhD are both gay...

I wonder if they will encounter any problems because of this.

How do I handle my PhD?

That would be cruel. Besides I think messing about your PhD has taken care of my PhD's humping problem!

BTW... in order to treat the worms, just make sure you fee him only wholesome organic methods and he should start feeling better in no time. Hope your PhD has not gotten to the hair-loosing stage yet. That is a complete pain in the neck!

To quit or not to quit

I meant I am soooooooo

To quit or not to quit

Hurrah... About time too!

Here is some love for y'all

I am soooooooooooo :)

qualititative analysis... anyone out there with the know-how?

I did use their comments to design my next experiments... and I did video tape their performance but not the interviews... Interviews were only audio taped.

To quit or not to quit

It is because secretly you love us Stu.

How do I handle my PhD?

Your PhD can talk...??? Lucky you. Mine just grunts and barks and bites.

What is your fav. language?

Maybe he can joing a Latvian forum :)

To quit or not to quit

Surely it is so much better talking to the UNREAL people in the forum. You can be more REAL to your thoughts and opinions.

To quit or not to quit

I agree I have not felt orgasmic after reading a paper... maybe depressed or dissappointed or amused but never orgasmic.

I used to have an active social life but now that I am close to the end, it is hard to maintain both so my social life is rather non-existent. I promise to party it up large the moment I pass my viva! in Hong Kong!

What is your fav. language?

And what is your mother tongue, verdy?

To quit or not to quit

I think you might be qualified as a geek since

a) you are doing a PhD

b) you are in a forum for PhD candidates

And ofcourse by you I mean all of us.

Welcome to the geekdom Stu. I guess you did not get the welcome pack when you joined initally.

To quit or not to quit

What DanB said

How do I handle my PhD?

I can't get any friends or family members to look after my PhD. They don't connect with it and I am worried that they might screw it up even more. He is going to become fully trained in a month so hopefully he will be able to socialise with other PhDs in the park and settle down soon.

To quit or not to quit

Thinking papers are boring is not unusual... A lot of papers published by many researchers are sub-standard and are stepping stones to the main results paper. This is why you have a review chapter which critizes other people's papers.

You need to be happy in your personal life in order to make it through a PhD. It takes a long time, it is repetetive and lonely most of the time. You need to have friends and hobbies that take the edge away during the PhD.

If you initiatlly accepted the PhD because there were no other projects around, then perhaps this is not the project for you and you might benefit from going back 6 months. Especially if you think Parasites is your thing and not DNA.

However if you were initially drawn to the idea of DNA research but are now over-whelmed because many others seem to have done much better work; then you need to get over the idea that your PhD is going to produce Nobel prize-winning products. It is not! The PhD is supposed to give you the skills you will need to win that Nobel prize in later research many years down the line.