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Considering quitting, strictly for financial reasons :-(

One last reply by myself...
I should also elaborate on the level of stress I am experiencing outside of my studies, in case this is directly influencing my decision making abilities. In the last 2 years my parents have seperated, then proceeded to become gradually more hostile...the new gf only exacerbates the tensions. We have lost 3 aunts and 2 uncles, 1 dog, and my Grandmother is also hospitalized at the moment. My immediate family resides in Canada, however I have a lot of extended family here in the UK (as nice as it may sound having relatives around, it can be very annoying trying to cope with the melodrama). I was also used to living in Japan for 2 years, where I was able to enjoy a relative degree of anonymity and 'independence', albeit it not financially. Ok I've said my piece...time for some feedback!! Thanks!

Considering quitting, strictly for financial reasons :-(

I should also perhaps mention that I am studying at a well reputed uni, and my CV is quite respectable, although I am still in the process of trying to get my first publications out there. My family and friends are generally supportive of my efforts/commitment, although they more often than not fail to realize the sacrifices such a career entails. It also doesn't help that I come from a background of decent wealth in Vancouver, and have also lived surrounded by wealthy people in Tokyo for 2 years. I am accustomed to the finer things (although I can be cheap as hell if necessary). All in all, I am considering quitting my PhD in order to avoid 30K more debt....what the HELL should I do?!?!?! aaaaaaaaaaaarrrghhhhhh!

Considering quitting, strictly for financial reasons :-(

these family issues are directly tied to my programme as well. My Father has been my patron throughout my studies, and we split the costs 50/50 since my undergrad. However, I have to go through him to get my credit line extended each time, as he is my legal guarantor. My Mother and Father are no longer on speaking terms, and the family hates his new girlfriend....I however, can not afford to distance myself from such problems, as it would jeopardize my career. Basically I just feel like I am completely lacking control over my own life these days....40K pounds of debt by the end, and then trying to find a stable career as a History PhD (I did it for the passion, but that love for my field has been impacted by my financial stress). Any advice would be most welcome. Thanks

Considering quitting, strictly for financial reasons :-(

Hello everyone,

I am currently finishing the first year of my PhD in the UK, in History/Archaeology, and my credit line is at 50 000 CDN at this point. I have two more years to go, so I would probably end up hitting 80k in Canadian Dollars by the end of my doctorate. I am enjoying my studies, and have a great supervisor as well. It's just that on a 24 000 pound salary as a lecturer (assuming I get a position at all), I just feel so miserable because of this debt. My family is also going through enormous problems...

love life of a Phd student? zero

To be honest I'm doing my PhD in History over in the UK, and I would NEVER want to date someone within the same field as myself. First, you would constantly be trying to best one another, in terms of your research. Second, diversity and difference is often what attracts two individuals, rather than sharing too much in common. This is obviously a vast generalization, but perhaps there is some degree of truth to be found in it.