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Has anyone ever failed their PhD corrections?

how long did it take you to do the corrections? Was the theisis wrong in some way?

Post viva- just over six months left to complete corrections

is this major corrections? Do you have to repeat your results/obtain new results? Was the conclusion of the thesis incorrect?

Exhausted after viva....energy for minor corrections

Im completely exhausted. Corrections will take sometime. How do some people feel after their viva? I been recovering and still feel disgusted at the sight of my thesis..... want to be free but have all these corrections to do!!! I want to be freee!!!

Passed viva with minor corrections!

A year ago, I was this close in being thrown out of my PhD. I was here on the forum, seeking assurance from people. Unfortunately I had to delete all my posts and sign in with a new name. But people like keanbean etc I remember you all.

I saw posts about people passing the viva. I thought, that was a long way away for me.

Today, I passed my viva. It feels incredibly surreal.

Don't give up guys. Keep pushing. Im the living prove that it can be done. Never give up.

coming to the end


Yes indeed I did use another name. Unfortunately I had to delete all my posts because I think some other people in my dept knew about it and I didnt want things to get out if you know what I mean. Pity. More so that the forum has then suspended my account because I deleted the posts. Oh well, so I had to create another one.

All I say is...keep going. I had huge problems in my PhD. First few yrs not working, wrong projects, supervisor tried to throw me out of the PhD over the past couple of years. Lets just say I had a very destructive supervisor to say the least. He not only din not help me, but critised my work because it contaddicted with his work. ( not my fault research is like that ). So it was touch every step of the way to convince him that the results are what they are and fuck did he tried to lie about his results, hide his results and competel dishonest about it all. I spent more time fighting against him than doing research. It was shittest thing ever....

so keep going, we are all here to support each other. dont quit. I took more years than you can count on one hand. And my viva is next week. so Im almost there. There are other people suffering, taking mroe time than I have. Remember its not you, just other people, or just life in general. we all share hardship. but it makes us stronger.

coming to the end

You know, I was very much in trouble this time last year and shared many posts here with all you good people. At the time, I was seriously about to leave PhD, which was out of control. Reading about viva and thesis stories, it was just something of a dream for me.

well, i dug in and somehow produced a thesis a few months ago. viva has been delayed for sometime in the next few weeks and now looking back I cant believe how close I am now to finishing, its been a really tough road.

Im still v v nervous about my viva. mainly because of all the hardhip i have endured to get here today. It is easy to imagine things going wrong and refusing to accept that , finallly, im about to leave. it is very sad.

i thought id just drop this post, to tell people that just stay low and do the work, and hopefully you will come out the otherside stronger.

Picking external and internal examiners

Do people know how to pick internal and external examiners?

The time has come to pick them. My supervisors suggestion of the external isnt my top choice although my top choice he's mentioned also. His top choice I dont know personally and havent seen in person. My supa said that he is tough but fair and very experienced. What ever that means. I really want a guy who I can get on with. Hence my choice and Im familiar with his work and papers. I also have friends who are working with him.

Of course Im yet to let my supervisor know my opinions. I thought Id get a feel of how its done before I contact him.

Is the internal very important and does the internal needs to be in my field and know 100% of my area?


Picking external and internal examiners

Do people know how to pick internal and external examiners?

The time has come to pick them. My supervisors suggestion of the external isnt my top choice although my top choice he's mentioned also. His top choice I dont know personally and havent seen in person. My supa said that he is tough but fair and very experienced. What ever that means. I really want a guy who I can get on with. Hence my choice and Im familiar with his work and papers. I also have friends who are working with him.

Of course Im yet to let my supervisor know my opinions. I thought Id get a feel of how its done before I contact him.

Is the internal very important and does the internal needs to be in my field and know 100% of my area?
