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Thesis as collection of articles

Quote From Tudor_Queen:
That's right! You're not expected to have novel papers and novel thesis - the novel papers make the novel thesis! If this helps, my thesis was like this:

Introduction chapter
Paper 1
Paper 2
Paper 3
Paper 4
Discussion chapter

All my papers weren't published (just in case anyone thinks I'm bragging, ha) - I just stuck with the paper format once I'd decided on it even though it became apparent that I would probably only submit one of the papers.

Good luck!!

Thank you this is really helpful!

Thesis as collection of articles

Quote From pm133:
Same here. All my thesis chapters were from my published works with the exception of a theoretical background chapter.
I rephrased each paper to avoid any nonsense over "self plagiarism".

I am feeling exactly the same...apparently finding a way to say whathever I already said in a different way is taking most of the time.

Anyway happy to see that I am not alone :)

Thesis as collection of articles

I guys, hope someone can help me. I am writing my PhD thesis as collection of articles since during my phd I basically published all the results I got. At the moment I have anyway some doubts on my thesis because it contains no new contents or results respect to my publications. Did someone have my same experience? Am I doing somenthing wrong?
Looking forward for suggestions or comments.
Thank you all :)