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How do I let my supervisor know I'm struggling?

I am nearing 6 months into my PhD.
I am undertaking my PhD by publication.
I went straight from my masters to my PhD without a break and in six months I have moved across the other side of the world, started a PhD and a new relationship and now I feeling completely overwhelmed.
In these 6 months I have completed reading (obviously), data compilation, fieldwork, labwork and now I'm at the stage of writing. I have hit a brickwall. My ideas are not coming together properly the stuff I have written is a mashed up mess of ideas which has no tangible theme or ideas. I took time off over the christmas break which I was unable to enjoy as I was constantly feeling quilty that I was not working (my boyfriend was not impressed by this at all).
I want let my supervisor know that I'm struggling, more so he's aware than anything, but I don't want him thinking I'm not up to it as he was so impressed with my progress in the first 6 months. How do I explain this to him?

In addition to this I'm supposed to be putting a paper together from my master thesis, this should have been a quick job but we've been working on it for 6 months and I'm not finding the time to get it done, it realistically isn't that much work, but I'm struggling to find the time to do it and my former supervisor is chomping at the bit to get it submitted.