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Coping with the emotional strain and isolation of a PhD

Hi everyone,

This is my first post here. I've been driven to post after struggling since November in my own PhD. I'm studying full time and am currently about half way through. I live away from university with my partner and can only afford to get into university once or twice a month. I've struggled recently with the isolation of working from home and struggled to meet people in the area. It's got to the point now where I'm crying almost every day, becoming ridiculously clingy to my partner who has managed to make new friends in the area (who I don't seem to get on with), and just feeling generally low and rubbish. It's affecting my motivation, I'm questioning my reasons behind doing the degree and so on. I'm now fed up with this cycle of feeling low and have decided I need to do something to get my life and confidence back to where it was.

I wondered if anyone here could share similar experiences and methods they have for coping with it. Especially if anyone in the UK has any ideas for groups or anything I may be able to meet to join people with similar interests etc.
