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Software Engineering / Computer Science

I did my BSc in Computer Science, lately I've been doing more Software-Engineering--type things (various things from boring databases and web apps to not-so-boring API design) After I finish my MSc in Information Engineering I will (hopefully, funding pending) be doing a Computer Science PhD, which I'm really looking forward to.

I'm having some mild concerns over how easy it will be to switch my brain over from engineer mode to scientist mode and be able to perform. It's crossing my mind while I try to think of a topic. Does anyone else think this could be a challenge?

Newbie Funding Question

Okay, thanks that clears it up a bit more for me.

Newbie Funding Question

======= Date Modified 23 Sep 2010 23:15:21 =======
What does London weighting mean too? And Is that figure on top of or indcluding the fees? How much are the fees?

Newbie Funding Question

Science. I'm not up on the terminology, what do you mena maintenence?

Newbie Funding Question

======= Date Modified 23 59 2010 22:59:13 =======
In a funded PhD, how much is the funding and what does the it cover?

Edit: If it makes any difference, I'm in the UK.