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My dairy inspired by Jojo and Lara

Hmm, a lot has happened since I started this diary which I never really followed up. I had my baby in December 08. Took a whole month off and then continued writing... thank God, finished my lab work in November or at least decided I definately wasnt going back into the lab. So went back to trying to write, my goodness how hard was it. I had my Mother in-law around which helped a little but I still didnt get much done. Anyways two weeks before my 4 year deadline, I go to my supervisor and he is like I think you still need at least 2 months to get this to submission state. Go to the registrar and see if you can get an extension based on pregnancy etc (I didnt take any time off for pregnancy or having baby officially). I did go to the registrar and she was willing to fight and back me, but I had to write a statement and try to pull at 'heart strings' and then there might still be no 100 % guarantee, though very unlikely that I wouldnt be granted the extension. Anyways I was devastated at the whole idea of extending. I was soooooo fed up of seeing the thesis and writing. I went back to my supervisor and we decided that rather than spending one week writing a mitigating letter and collecting evidence (Dr's letters, Birth certificate etc) I should spend that time writing and we see how far I get. Well, thank God for my mum, I called her and she came to our flat and basically took over looking after my 3 month old daughter and me. No joking, I slept on the living room couch for the following 2 weeks. having less than 3 hours sleep each night until I completed got my supervisor's approval and submitted. Thank God for God and my mum. She cooked, fed my daughter (breast feeding had to be reduced, unfortunately, this really upset me but I had no choice).

Anyways, 2 days before good friday, I printed my thesis and submitted... I was sooooooooooooooo relieved.

Just had my viva last friday and I was so worried as I had been out of research for the previous 3 months. During the prep, well the last 2 days whilst panicking I came back to this forum and looked at other threads on viva, I got quite a bit of relief but also some fear of God as one the posters talked about people failing. Anyways, thank God, I have passed with minor corrections.

The viva was tough... I am glad in hindsight now though, at least I kind of feel it was worth it. My external concentrated mainly on my introduction which was my weak point as I spent most time on my results chapter. Oh well.....

So I am glad its all almost over....

Wishing everyone else the very best of luck.... Doing a PhD takes stamina, determination and staying power..... :-)

My dairy inspired by Jojo and Lara

Thanks Lara, you didnt sound harsh... I am going to keep working on my thesis and focus on what I have so far...if i have some time at the end, will look at the other things....

My dairy inspired by Jojo and Lara

Been a few days and I havent even been able to write a thing, few reasons, still in the lab... and yesterday saw my supervisor who suddenly remembered some work I had started last year but abandoned... by the way I have enough results chapters as it stands I think 4 already and he wants me to do this work too... To be fair, he gives good reasons why etc and that my overall aim should not just be to finish the PhD, but right now thats all I can think of

My dairy inspired by Jojo and Lara

Still back to the plan, here we go:
Chapter 2 (1st results chapter) - 14th July
Chapter 3 (2nd results chapter) - 28th July
Chapter 5 (3rd results chapter) - 11th August
Chapter 4 (still collecting data) - don’t know... LOL
Chapter 1 (Introduction) - 25th August
Hmm, I am going to have to try and beat these dates if I really want to submit by end of August, God help me....

Anyone else got crazy/ambitious deadlines? Pls share how you are managing it....

My dairy inspired by Jojo and Lara

Had the meeting with my supervisor and he has accepted my suggested chapters’ layout... His advise, just keep writing, it doesn’t have to make sense, just write... the initial writing will not be the final draft...

So now plan is to start with the chapters I have manuscripts written for already, that is only 1.5 of the 4 results chapters. I am still trying to get results for the one chapter....

So considering that I still want to meet my mad deadline of end of August, will need to (oh my goodness just looked at the calendar, I only have 8 weeks) so I cant even say 2 weeks per chapter comfortably...I am glad I am doing this diary (not dairy - LOL). Really makes me think and focus...

Ok back to the plan: supervisor says write introduction last, things will be much clearer once i have results chapters done and since my writing skills will be better, it would be good to take advantage of that then.

Lara's Writing Up Diary - inspired by Jojo

Hey Lara... sound like you are on a roll . Wishing you the very best, now that you have an external deadline set (by supervisor), I am sure you will meet it. Since its a first draft, I am sure they will sign your forms with the full chapters you have done and then something brief written for the rest, even if very rough... so 4 more days to go... You can do it....

My dairy inspired by Jojo and Lara

Celesmai glad to hear someone else is trying to finish whilst pregnant , all the very best, wow, due Sept, u must be struggling to reach the keyboard easily by now (LOL), thanks to PhD colleagues they reminded me that I might need to buy a special corner table to be able to fit the bump whilst writing especially if I leave finishing to past 6-7 months….. I still have a good few months left around 5 I think (I try not to think about the due date too much, makes me nervous – LOL). My stipend ended earlier this year, so now I am doing my PhD without much money…

My dairy inspired by Jojo and Lara

Thanks Lara for the comments and encouragement. Really need to hear success stories of those who have written their thesis with short deadlines.... wow at the two weeks full time writing. I agree that somehow if the deadline is very close, then somehow it just happens and one finds amazing energy to work really hard to finish... will keep you posted once I have my meeting on Wednesday...

My dairy inspired by Jojo and Lara

LOL, meant diary.....

My dairy inspired by Jojo and Lara

I had an initial deadline of 31st August to submit so I can graduate this year, well I have done nothing, I just cant seem to be bothered, plus I still have a bit of lab work to do... Anyways, I think the dairy would do me a world of good and help me get my act together....Plus really need to finish, cos I am expecting a baby before the end of the year, if I dont complete by January I will have to pay a £1000 fine and finally, I really need to get a proper job as my stipend finished in April.....

So here it goes:
June 21 - completed thesis chapter outline - needs approval from PhD supervisor, have the meeting this wednesday