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How individualised should each PhD covering letter be?

Thanks very much guys

Looks like more hard work for me lol

How long would you say a cover letter should be btw? i'm invisaging something like 750 words?

How individualised should each PhD covering letter be?

I started a thread asking this question but no replies :( to be fair I worded it in a pretty boring way

Anyways Im wondering, do most cover letters people write tend to follow a similar template, are they practically identical with a little change for each project? Or are they all just totally unique for each project for most people?

Is there a right or wrong way?

Thanks very much! Any help appreciated!

A question regarding PhD cover letters

Hi everyone!

I'm in the process of writing several PhD cover letters, but there are many PhDs being offered right now that have deadlines in a couple of days. I wont be able to apply for them in time if I make each cover letter very individualised.

Many people seeking graduate jobs often seem to have a standard personal statement which they tweak a little for each job they apply for. Is this normaly the case when applying for PhDs? Or is each cover letter usually very systematic, very individualised and with alot of discussion on the specifics of the project.

Any advice would be really appreciated! Thanks very much :)

Funded PhD with a 2:2 and masters?

Quote From strawberrygirl:

Rather than thinking only about your overall mark you should also try to demonstrate that you have the ability to work at the level of a first or a IIi even if it's not what you got as your final classification. So you should write, wherever possible on the form, something that demonstrates your higher marks, along the lines of;

'my asessment marks during my degree included 72, 65, 63 indicating my ability to ...(whaever is relevant in your field!)..

it's better if you can show some higher marks as it shows that you can operate at this level.

Thanks :)

I was wondering if I should mention marks, including if i should write that I barely missed a 2i etc and I had circumstances but I just dont want to make it seem like sour grapes that i didnt get it

As it happens though I have got some pretty good marks in certain things, I wasnt a steady 50% student, I had a fair few 70s but a couple of really bad marks which let me down. My exams werent amazing either; I didnt fail any but they were mostly just short of a 2i, but then I guess the ability to do exams well and do a phd arent fully intechangeable.

Even though I've written some cover letters I'm not sure how to sell my CV as best as possible for a PhD project. I have loads of extracurricular activities; sports played to a v high standard, lots of volunteering, community work etc, but as far as I see that cant really be related to suitability to do a phd except the generic 'ability to manage time.'

I'm not sure what else really, I've had an internship with an environmental organisation which I can talk about, specially if I'm applying for a PhD in that field but what else? :s

Funded PhD with a 2:2 and masters?

Thanks very much people :)

I'm also wondering, a lot of PhDs simply seem to say 'Need first or upper second class degree,' but they dont mention a masters when advertised. Will these supervisors simply not accept anyone with a masters unless they already has a 1st or 2:1, meaning that a masters is a bonus at best to an already suitably qualified person? Or would someone with a masters, say if it was with merit or distinction manage to at least be considered do you think?

Also do any supervisors consider people who dont meet the required grade at their own discression if they thought the person was otherwise suitable?

Funded PhD with a 2:2 and masters?

Hi everyone!

I'm an unfortunate soul who missed the desired 2:1 threshold by about a percent...I appealed against the verdict citing extenuating circumstances including prolonged illness and forced relocation due to my flat catching fire but to no avail...I also have complained to the independant adjudicator office but I have no idea what they will do if anything

Right now I'm doing a masters in biomedicine, so maybe I can redeem myself there...but is the 2:2 albeit almost a 2:1 completely damning for applying to most funded PhDs? I have applied to several already and been rejected.

Any insights and advice would be much appreciated!

Thanks people!!!