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DSA Help/Advice for a new UK Post Grad student who has already had DSA from my undergrad course


I am starting my Masters in late January 2013, at a different institution. I applied for my DSA as I am dyslexic I have being granted all my grants etc, except for the equipment as I was awarded a Macbook and printer in 2009 for my undergraduate course. Student Fiance england have only offered to extend the warranty. My MA course is 2 years and by the end of my course the equipment will be 5.5years old. The printer broke halfway through my 3rd year so I binned it. Surely I am entitled to a new printer at the least. Ideally I would like a new laptop as its a 5 day a week course. With a constant need for my laptop to be used 5-9hrs a day. SFE I have not even assed my needs again for the MA course which will has different needs etc. Is this just a case of keep attacking SFE and they will re asses etc?

Many thanks

MR French