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To PhD or not to PhD

Thanks for the replies

The money is pretty decent and it is not that much under what I would be getting if I got a job.
There are not that many jobs around now anyway so I think it could be a sign to do it.
I think the one thing that im most scared about is the fact that it is at least 3 years and unlike other jobs it would be so much harder to leave a PhD.
I suppose you will never know until you try it and if I dont try it i might regret it

To PhD or not to PhD

See there was parts to it that I did like. The superviser that I was working for makes you work extremely hard and he is known for that. However the subgect is interseting and not much research has been done in the area so there is plenty of scope for publishing papers and I like the writing part. Plus there is also the bonuses of the conferences.

To PhD or not to PhD

I am just out of my final year in college and have been offered a PhD that has a significant amount of funding behind it. I met the team that I could be working with and they all seem pretty good and so does the supervisor. There is a great room to publish papers and I do like science, however.

I did a research project during my final year and got a good result but the problem is that I never really liked it.
Im not sure if I really want it but I dont think I should pass up this oportunity as I will probably never get another one.

Any advice would really be appreciated