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An experience I had while searching for Post-Doc position in the U.S

Hi everyone,

My name is Ronny Uzana and I’m from Israel. I want to share an experience I had.

I did my PhD in the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and I’m currently a Post-doc in the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.

At the end of my PhD I started checking out the possibility of Post-doc in the U.S. Most labs where happy to conceder my application, so I tried to arrange a dense week of talks in 4-6 labs (I knew nothing about except publications) in the East cost. Now, I have three kids so you can imagine the headache of getting around blind in a place you know nothing of. In the day or two of the meeting with your possibly future boss it is impossible to know whether your next 2-4 years are going to be heaven or hell in all aspects (boss, socially, neighborhood and schools for the kids). Those are things you can’t find out in the day of meeting.

This is why I decided to drop the idea.

Few months ago a foreign student from a nearby lab came over to get some info about my current lab. You know, the usual stuff like how’s my boss, funds and so on and it gave me an idea to create a website called www.shareatube.com.

The main purpose of the site is to connect between researchers on both local and global level. The site users are divided into preset groups according to their institute affiliation, so that applicants seeking for positions abroad could get important details about their designated lab before making the big leap. Also, inside the group, users can assist each other when facing a sudden lack of a reagent or a new protocol need to be performed. Due to the nature of our community someone in your vicinity will probably be able to provide the assistance you need.

If you have any comments I’ll be happy to respond.


Ronny Uzana