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how can i get scholarship ?

I am doing PG certificate level and want to do top up and complete my masters degree.I am desperately looking for some financial support because I cannot afford all.Please advise me how can i get it.I tried in my college but no provision there.

Please help!!

yeah i can understand you point of view but you got me slightly another way.I m not doing masters, rather i am looking for this after my postgraduate certificate that counts only 60 credit and to gain masters I have to do 120 more credits.So it will roughly costs like that.I cant go home back and stay with family because its a full time taught program.
By considering this circumstances, could u give u any remedial solution please?

thank you very much for quick reply..

Please help!!

[quote]Quote From teek:

thank you for you suggestion.There is no fund available in my college, i tried once already but yeah, i may look into possibilities if any further. I dont have any ideas.

Please help!!

I am a student currently studying postgraduate certificate in managing health and social care in London. I would like to top up course to gain masters degree as my PG cert is expected to complete in this July.I need tentatively £6000 budget but I am literally hopeless because My family cannot afford at all and I am doing part time job that only covers my room rent,food,transport and communication expenses.

I am a hard working international student, getting around distinction marks in my assignments and I was a top listed student in my undergraduate and basic level education in my county as well.

Therefore, I would humbly request to anybody resourceful persons to get financial support. Please please help me!!