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Feeling lost in PhD and not sure how to proceed

Hi All,

I’m posting this thread because I feel lost at the end of my second year out of three years of my PhD.

First of all It didn’t really start well, as not long after the beginning of the PhD I realised that I was quite isolated in the team because I was the only one working in the field of my PhD topic.
I was first supposed to be supervised by two people, the head of the team (very busy and not working in this field, namely supervisor1) and someone else who was supervising for the first time (less busy and working in this field for a whilé supervisor2).
The subject didn’t end up being what I expected, I soon realized the academic comunity I intended to fit into didn’t understand the usefulness of projects such as my subject.
Later I got to know that during my second year I would be losing supervisor 2. Now I am left with a sigle busy supervisor who doesn’t have the same publication objectives as me, and would not be completely able to help me for the publications I target as it is not his field.

Also I never really had good rapport with my supervisors and was difficut communicating (often awkward)

Now it has been two years, I don’t really know what to do. I feel that I’ve gotten too far to stop or to start a new PhD. But also I am afraid of not being able to do what I want in my current PhD. I don’t even know what I want anymore...