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PhD viva concerns

Hello, I have read a few threads here and people seem very friendly and informative, so I wonder if you could help me.

Briefly, I had my viva on friday (2 days ago) and it didn't go as well as hoped. I was stressed as most people usually are and didn't defend myself as well as I would have liked particularly at the start. I got major corrections/ R&R, I can't recall exactly what they said other than I have to write some sections again and there is a possibility of another viva. Irritatingly many of the criticisms were absent sections that one of my supervisors suggested I removed (I did). This supervisor has essentially left the university and does not reply to any of my communications. There really isn't anybody who can replace her knowledge is there anything I can do? The only person who might be able to would be the internal, who I believe isn't allowed to now right? With what we covered in the viva a high portion of the corrections will be in her sections and I am very nervous that I could not meet the expectation without assistance.

Additionally, if I have to undergo a second viva, is that it? If they still have problems with it I fail?

I feel a combination of personal disappointment and being let down by my supervisor, I really wanted this to be over and to be able to start my life. So any input would be appreciated.