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Should I go all the way to Ph.D?

======= Date Modified 05 Nov 2009 18:05:20 =======
Thanks everyone for your replies!! From what I've researched, most TA's and RA's + other stipends float you around the 25k-35k a year range... I could do that, that's actually not half bad.... I spoke with her about it and she's for it, we even started looking at potential schools together where I could finish up, and she could still teach. I'm excited! :-)

Should I go all the way to Ph.D?

Guys I'm not saying it's a waste to get an undergrad degree, I'm saying that I feel like I am blessed with the ability/opportunity to get a grad degree and I shouldn't waste it. Sorry, I should have clarified.

Should I go all the way to Ph.D?

Hey everyone, I'm looking for advice.

I'm currently an Electrical Engineering undergrad student at a Texas A&M university. Right now I'm only part-time student, full time worker, but that's about to change. My fiance said she would pick up the bills for awhile so I could finish my degree... My UNDERGRAD degree... I eventually want to get my doctorate (in either engineering or physics), but I don't want her to have to support me for the length of time it takes to finish a doctorate (isn't it like 7 years??). I've read stuff online about stipends and fellowships/internships/assistantships that help, but how much do they help? I mean, I don't want to stick her with all the bills while I take a trip through academia. I really want a doctorate, and I'm good at this stuff! I feel like I would be a waste if I didn't pursue it as far as possible, but if I've got to go 7 years without income, I don't think I can do it... Stories and advice if you have it! Thank You!