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To submit or to extend (unusual case)


Hello folks

I know this is a kind of consumed topic however I need some advice with my case. Previously I have asked for 3 months extension and I got them. Intentionally I haven't asked for more because I felt I won't be able to work more and I already feeling sick and need to finish and go back to my country. I have submitted my 1st draft a month ago. my supervisors were satisfied however they asked me to do some changes which might take me another 2-3 months and I have only one month left for my submission deadline. I discussed the issue with them because if I get another extension that means I need to back home because my Visa expired by the end of Feb and I can't afford the renewing fees and living expenses. However if I submitted by Jan then my Viva is going to take place in Feb. However my supervisors think its better to work a little bit more and submit a more polished thesis and of course I would like to do so but I have many concerns regarding the cost and even myself because I'm mentally tired. My supervisors suggested to handle their comments and corrections to the internal and external examiners and inform them about the case of my Visa and so on. I was happy about their suggestion however I feel a bit worried because I'm afraid of getting major corrections and from the idea of passing my supervisors' correction to my examiners. So far the internal has no problem they still waiting answer from external. But I still can ask for extension (might be refused though)? what do you think? is this case normal? shall I go with the easy way which is keep working util my deadline then handling my Thesis with my supervisors' corrections? Does that will leave a negative image or bad impact on the examiners? Is it safer to try to get extension? Do you think I will get major Corrections? Thanks a million