Overview of Worried

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never quite good enough :-(

This competition worries me sometimes. Our supervisor has often forwarded us papers that need reviewing and tells us that we must find faults. Sometimes there are glaring errors, data is missing or drawn conclusions seem implausible. Other times you find a paper that is exceptionally good and you are told that you must highlight some flaws. Don't worry about the rejection. I was rejected from giving a paper once at a conference and submitted a poster instead. I was still able to generate some great conversations over the wine and poster evenings and it worked out really well!

Dodgy results chapter

Thanks for the replies. I was never a major worrier until I started my PhD. I know we're trained to be precise, but the last three years have made me a little too critical of my work (as my time in the lab draws to an end I'm becoming more and more tense). I've already decided that if I pass my viva I'm booking a weekend trip with the girlfriend (even though she doesn't do a PhD she's shared my ups and downs), to New York to celebrate

Dodgy results chapter

Unfortunately he lives in La La land. I only see him once in a blue moon and everytime I have a meeting he seems to invent reactions I haven't done and glosses over the problems. He then starts to compare me with the the other third years saying all the things they've done. It's starting to give me a complex

Dodgy results chapter

This may be classed as an odd query. I’m currently coming to the end of my PhD (science) and the thought of writing up is terrifying me. I’ll end up with three chapters of results. The first of these will be fine. I’ve been able to get a paper out of it with another following. My last chapter is an amalgamation of random things I’ve tried which could be furthered in the future as individual projects. What really concerns me is my middle chapter. I’ve been working on the experiments for it for the last 18 months and I can’t get anything to work. When it comes to writing up the work, it’s not going to take too long. How do you think the examiner is going to react seeing this? I’ve done a ridiculous amount of work but it’s not going to show when it comes to the thesis. I know that your work should be publishable but this chapter really hasn’t worked.

Am I over reacting? After seeing the major corrections thread I really hope so.