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Negative PhD Feedbacks. Only 4 months left

Have just had my interruption authorized for 7 months. No, the overall work "feels" promising for them but the orientation of the argument is unclear. More like a loose research lacking structure that cannot reach a state when it could be submitted as complete. I am quiet concerned however that they keep stressing on me not conducting any research on my break, when in fact my main reason was not only to take some rest but to radically sort out the milestones of my thesis. I understand I am not allowed to contact my supervisors with regards to anything that has to do with my studies during my interruption, but they definitely don't mean that I should not be found out to have done any progress on my break. or do they?

Negative PhD Feedbacks. Only 4 months left

Quote From rewt:
Do you supervisors have problems with the work or the writing? If you can explain your research verbally to them and they agree that the work is good, you will be fine. Your writing just needs improving and you can try many things to improve that. There are plenty of Dr's out there that had trouble writing up and it is a common problem so don't give up.

If it is the actual work, I would have a sit down with your supervisors and have an honest chat about what you need to do. Work out what needs work, what is good and how long it will take. Make a plan and then decide if you want to quit.

I think the whole problem pertains to something i read somewhere else that more often the problem is not one of fluency but of progress. The project, they claim, gives a general feeling to being "very impressive" (to quote both of them) but not clear enough to give such concept the solid grounds appropriate for a research seeking completion. Honestly the very notion that my "lack of clarity" may just owe to the fact the my language does no more but obfuscate gaps in research kills me. To attain "clarity" in this case posits itself as no more but approaching the impostor part of me. I am considering an interruption to my studies more in the way of being first true to myself than reasoning over some sort of a genius-complex.

Negative PhD Feedbacks. Only 4 months left


I am in my writing up year, that is the final year with no other possibility for an extension.

So far the plan has been set for me to submit my final versions of my PhD chapters and every time I get devastating feedback that seem to consistently miss my points. The issue has always been of "clarity" which is something I understand partly due to me being a non-native speaker and partly because of the topic of my thesis.

I am a self-funded student having paid 47000 £ to date and the notion of me failing gives me suicidal thoughts (this shouldn't necessarily be taken literally) having my family hopes right at the back of my head.

Shall I interrupt my studies claiming extenuating circumstances such as lack of funds or just continue with my struggles to the point of no return and see what happens.

I don't know.

This is a very negative thread but I need help, advice....etc

Thank you