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quitting job for phd and the usual doubts

Thank you (& my earlier respondents) for your advice, real kind & useful. It hasn't been easy but now the matter is solved, as I have opted for the PhD.
Good luck to you all and regards.

quitting job for phd and the usual doubts

Thanks for your opinion, appreciated.
Part time doesn't seem possible, the phd being constrained by EU project partners & bursary. And in a way it maybe best do it full time "quick" than dragging on part-time.
I'm wondering if phd life's really as miserable as most postings suggest however - apart for the lack of finance.
Anyway - i'll go on thinking over. Best of luck to you.

quitting job for phd and the usual doubts

I'm 30, been offered a funded phd in science at a top London university after working 6 years in environmental consultancy. I'm enthusiastic for the project, but just as I was about to give my leave notice to my current employer, without asking I'm getting promoted with a good salary raise.
Now, even though I've now done months of introspection, even though I have interest in the project and rejoice to take a long aspired-to path to research, suddenly it feels I'm throwing away a chance to make ... cash (the devil) and easy professional recognition (although mostly typing bullshit presentations).
I think no one has an answer ready for me, but if you've had a comparable experience I'm still interested to hear your about how you feel after you've made your choice. THanks and good luck.