Overview of _Jayney_

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Tips List

Btw, I do have a blog that has been going for a few months - it starts when I was close to completing my first chapter and facing my MPhil-PhD transfer meet. It is very silly - and quite honest I would say - it mainly works with the view that I am not the brightest or most sensible bunny in the box but muddle through. Consequently it will happily make you bright sparks feel a whole lot better about your PhD skills and future!!! There are tips and advice on it too from what I have been learning as I go through.


x J

Tips List

I am starting my third year (eek!)... I would say:

*Have a routine that means you have scheduled time off.

*Start writing any time you have something to write - do not save your chapters up until the end!! It is a process...

*be aware that this course is an emotional rollercoaster and that part of getting a PhD is dealing with this uncertainty! Sometimes you know everything and have tonnes of confidence and sometimes you know nothing and feel so disheartened and stupid... It's scary but it is the nature of the beast!

Enjoy! - and, of course, congratulations on getting on the course!!

x J

Prepaering for and doing 'Fieldwork'

Hey all, I hope you are well!

I am currently organising to go away for 'fieldwork' (am a bit postmodern and hate that phrase but lack imagination for any other right now) in 6 weeks. I generally know my methodology, kind of data I want etc but find my lack of personal experience in the country and area I am going to makes it all feel so hypothetical. Does anyone have any tips or f/wk experiences they could share? Like, when did they actually start interviews/observations: straight away or after, say, a month? How do you reconcile postmodern abstraction with empirical research?! Am seeing my Sup this week but any stories/reassurances/tips/advice about going overseas for research gratefully appreciated!!! :p