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disillusioned by the REC

cheers guys.

disillusioned by the REC

Took my project to the Regional Ethics Committee yesterday, and they sent me back to make substantial amendments. I found some of the points they raised valid, but most of them were just pedantic. Anyway, I'm set back a bit, i reckon by a few months, I'm annoyed more than anything else and just wanted to share this with everyone. Has anyone else been bitten by the REC??

qualitative research nightmares

Dear All, Thanks. All your comments have been reasuring. Thanks for the book recommendations and thanks for the advice. I'm new to the forum so it was great to see some supportive people here. I guess, the reason I was getting jumpy was because there really wasnt anyone to discuss my progress (or lack of!) with in my quantitave department. And coming from a medical background I'm used to working 'now'.My masters degree was in something different and did not require much thought.(but a lot of hardwork)..whereas now patience/reflection is probably the first thing I need to learn in this PhD!!! thats my thought for the day!

qualitative research nightmares

cheers! there arent any other students in my deptt. doing qualitative work..its very quantitative around here, so it gets a bit isolating...

qualitative research nightmares

Just started my phD, but have been trying to ask the right question for a few months now..dont seem to be getting anywhere. My supervisor is great and says that its normal, it takes time to get to the right question and that its part of the qualitative proces..blah blah.. but i'm feeling panicky..have other people had simialr difficulties? or is it just me? Cheers.