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Possibility of transferring PhD

Hi all,

I was wondering if there was anyone with any experience of transferring their PhD to another University, and how they went about such a move.

Basically, I have recently begun my PhD (in Geography). I am coming to the stark realisation however that I don't like either the University, nor the location of that University. (It is down south, and i'm a northerner a long way from home) I've tried to give the place time, but it doesn't seem to be getting any better. My supervisor is very well respected and has tonnes of publications, but I feel completely isolated. I have such limited interaction with other students, and have still only met a couple of people and i've now been there 7 weeks. I have no friends whatsoever, and just live to work - alone.

I actually like the project, unfortunately it was a set project. I had originally applied for an ESRC scholarship in my own work and did not receive funding at my first choice University. I applied for this project in lieu of wasting a year out (i'm already 28, so starting later than most) and was not sold particularly on the move. I went in with a pretty relaxed mindset that the interview would be good experience regardless, just talked about my masters research... and was offered it, much to my surprise. In view of me having no other offers I talked myself into taking it, as funding in the humanities is so hard to come by. However the move has also had a horrible effect on my personal life, and i'm taking medication for depression. Among other problems, i'm lonely and homesick. I don't want to throw a funded PhD away as it is what I want to do, but i'm not sure whether I will have to reapply for a new PhD next year, or if an alternate university would potentially take on my project? The funding is external. Anyone have any experience in this area that could advise?

Many thanks.