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PhD Life and ....romantic and sex life....

in response to Adem:"to claim that PhDs are more lonely/time consuming than other walks of life I feel is a little narrow minded."

You really dont have clue do you?you dont know what you are talking about and you are not adding anything valuable to this discussion except negativity.

Supervisor publishing my data findings

thanks I was so glad to find this forum cos people actually really understand what each other are going through...

Supervisor publishing my data findings


Can someone offer some advice.I am 16 months into my PhD.My supervisor emailed me a paper he has submitted that contains sections describing my data findings. He added me as the third author but i told him that i was unhappy if my data findings were published my him first that it would steal the wind from my Phd and my future publications.He laughed and said HE was the one doing ME the favour....i still feel uncomfortable about it though I also feel foolish. Advice on this anyone??