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Difference between a research assistantship and a studentship

Well, not for my case... I'm being offered a RA post (Full time) and I'll need to apply for the PhD on a part time basis. As it's stated on the contract, there will be additional tasks to be fulfilled...

I appreciate all your replies.

Difference between a research assistantship and a studentship

Hi, thank you guys for your replies. Guess I have more idea about an assistantship. I manage to clinch one recently but was told it not possible to have a full time student status in line with the job. Just out of curiosity, do you pay taxes since you are a full time student and do you find it hard to cope? ==ImmatureStudent.

Difference between a research assistantship and a studentship

Hi, can anyone enlighten me on the above mentioned issue? As far as I know, people taking up assistantship are require to do more extra stuffs for the uni (teaching/lab work not pertaining to own phd proj whereas studentship get a lesser maintenance fees (stipends that are not taxable). If my assumptions are right, I would have a few more quires;

1) Are the stipends for assistantship taxable?
2) Can a phd done within a normal period (3 yrs) with an assistantship since there are other work commitments to be fulfilled. anyone with success case?
3) What status (student/emplyment/or both)would a person doing a phd with an assistantship be holding?

I appreciate any advices. Thanks.

Difference between research assistantship and studentship

Hi, can anyone enlighten me on the above mentioned issue? As far as I know, people taking up assistantship are require to do more extra stuffs for the uni (teaching/lab work not pertaining to own phd proj whereas studentship get a lesser maintenance fees (stipends that are not taxable). If my assumptions are right, I would have a few more quires;

1) Are the stipends for assistantship taxable?
2) Can a phd done within a normal period (3 yrs) with an assistantship since there are other work commitments to be fulfilled. anyone with success case?
3) What status (student/emplyment/or both)would a person doing a phd with an assistantship be holding?

I appreciate any advices. Thanks.