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BPP Uni in UK


Guys is anyone aware of BPP University in the UK? It is a private university in the UK.
Is it worth to do MSc Management from BPP Uni as it is private and also being International student is it safe for Visa as I heard Home Office keep scrapping Tier 4 licenses of many Unis in the UK and BPP being a private Uni so just scared.
Also is the degree worth from private Uni same as from Public Uni.
And is MSc in Management of same caliber as of MBA?
Guys please help me with info if you are aware. Thanks in advance.


What does BPP stand for?


It is a University in UK. It is called as BPP University. It is private and has professional courses. So just want to know whether private University is good to study?


I've never heard of it. You are probably better off looking at more well known universities, as you are correct, there have been visa issues for international students, although most of those suspect colleges have had their right to take international students removed, so I doubt this one is one of those.

More well known unis have better reputations. It's not really about public or private.

I believe an MBA in business is much better than an MSc. I doubt an MSc in management is worth the paper it's written on. Most management jobs are looking for experience, not qualifications.


Thanks TreeofLife for your advice.
I would now prefer MBA instead of MSc in Management. And would go for a better Uni.


BPP is a well known private trainer of accountants (for professional qualifications) and has been established as such for at least 20 years. They seem have expanded into degree courses. Therefore I can confirm as a qualified accountant, it is a well known name in the accountancy profession, and it trains lawyers as well.
However, private universities are a new concept in the UK, and therefore you may need further information. As business degrees (as opposed to Professional Qualifications) are fairly new in the UK, an MBA may be more recognised. However, the London School of Economics offers a MiM (Masters in Management) and that would be recognised anywhere in the world.


Thanks dfran for your help. As BPP Uni is in London and MSc course in Management, I was told is similar to MBA I was too much confused.
Still struggling what to do with my prospective study plan as MBA in most UK universities are too expensive. I am not from Business field so much more confused. Want to decide soon. Thanks