Sent an email to a mate saying my progress is as slow as one of the professor's lectures. Saying maybe we could sort out a group demonstration so as to minimise the time spent alone with him. Titled the email "DisserF**kingTation". Then somehow, accidentally sent it to the professor's address instead of my friend's.
Never been so embarrased, and got a meeting with him next week!
Found this on a website:
"If you are using MS outlook, you can recall an email message.
Next time you do such boo boos, go to your sent items immediately and double click on the message. Now go to ACTIONS - Recall This Message.
I have never used this feature before so I'm not sure what exactly happens. But I heard that this won't work if the other party has already downloaded the message from their email server.
Also, a notification goes to the recipient saying the email sent by you has been recalled. So you still owe the recipient an explanation ;) "
Good luck. If you are not in Outlook, then you can probably apologise sincerely to him. Most people understand that even your best friend sometimes gets frustrated with you. How does the saying go? "If you knew what your friends sometimes said about you, you wouldn't have any friends".
No chance of recalling it, I didnt know about it till he emailed me. He just wrote that I should call him in the morning to talk about the research and said the title of the email was inappropriate. I replied straight away and apologised for the language used but didnt mention the nasty things I said about him, he replied straight away saying "no harm done". hopefully he's too busy and intelligent to give a monkeys what someone like me thinks about him. At least I hope so- he's marking my dissertation!
You poor thing. If he has sent you a gracious response "no harm done" etc then do your best to not worry and put it behind you. Hopefully he has deleted it and will forget it quicker than you.
I once sent a text message to my 90 year old Nan, instead of a mate by mistake about how crap in bed someone was I had slept with. Nice.
mine is 85 and she regularly sends me e-mails and e-cards. just recently (well, a few years ago) she took word- and excel-classes at the village's IT school. she can't deal with mobile phones though because she doesn't hear well and the text on the screen is hardly big enough for her to see.
as she ages it is getting harder, especially dealing with the mouse. recently she got a new computer from her daughters which included a mouse with a scrolling wheel. she said that wheel was the best part of the new computer. they could have had that cheaper
o.stoll well i hope you enjoyed your holidays even if you didn't manage to cycle up the Swiss mountain passes! i envy you that trip. was it as great as expected?
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