hello all,
I just discovered TODAY(!) that I had a totally flawed understanding of a topic I am investigating for my Master thesis. This means that my hypotheses don't make sense, and thus, I need to get rid of them... This is stressing me out as it is too late to change topic, and I do not know what else to research in this field. I also do not want to start reading on a whole new topic now! The more I read about this area, the more backwards steps I take (I always find something that contradicts my hypotheses, make them sound irrelevant and even questions the whole purpose of my research!)
it is not just a case of the hypotheses being wrong, it is also a case of them being irrelevant and inappropriate because I misunderstood the nature of a type of networking in a particular country. Basically, I thought it was a patron-client relationship, when in fact, it is a relationship based on equality/humanity/friendship etc..... This means that my initial hypotheses about its negative political impact mean nothing (they do not hold) and I need to concentrate on something else. However, I have no idea what else to do with this topic!!!! FRUSTRATING!
Hi majar. It sounds as though your work is still valid because you've tested your hypotheses thoroughly enough to discover that they weren't correct. Does anyone else propose the same hypotheses? It seems that you have 2 options: 1) use your new analysis to compare what you originally thought and what you've now discovered explaining your reasons or 2) find others who proposed your original hypotheses and explain why they are mistaken. Above all, you really need to see your supervisor - this is what they're there for. Good luck!
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