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I am looking for some assistance with my stats (SPSS)for my Msc Thesis (Psychology). I am lost and cant remember any of the stats I learned and am looking to maybe meet up with someone who can help me for a half day or something. I am willing to pay for the assistance given.
Anyone know of any 'experts' in the Dublin area ?


Hi there,

I'm afraid I'm not local to you; however, I can suggest a good, accessible SPSS book. Try "Discovering Statistics Using SPSS", Andy Field (2005). It's much more accessible than some of the other SPSS texts, so well worth a look.

The other thing that might be helpful is if you try and understand the mechanics behind these statistical packages. For me, I can understand things better if I know how they work - punching numbers into a stats package can be pretty meaningless! If you're mind works like this, I would recommend "An Introduction to Statistics in Psychology - Revised 2nd Edition", Howitt and Cramer (2003). This one is on Amazon for about £4 used, so not much outlay for some good groundwork help.

Good luck to you. I hope this helps in some way.



have u tried using graphpad prism? Im not sure if it does everything SPSS does but I found it much much easier to use and there is a free trial version online (I think......well there used to be anyway :))Talks you through which stats test you need to use and gives examples.....great for someone like me who hates stats :)


and it even plots the graphs for you automatically


Hey, can't hep you in person as am in London. However, am willing to try a bit online. Obviously, there is a lot of stats in psychology, but maybe if you outline your problem in terms of your research question and design, we can work from there?



Hey Bobby

I'm a masters student and need some help processing SPSS data can you help?



Meant to add I'm in London


Hi there, sorry, I only just saw this message. I'm basically going to say the same thing that I said to the other chap! What area is it, and what is your experimental design etc (is it Psychology, even?)
