searched the forums, but I couldn't find exact answers.
So I'm currently in the application process for a PhD in London. Funding will be 15550 GBP in the first year.
That's 1291GBP/month.
I was asking myself how much I'll spend on living (flat+food+transport) in London and if I can survive with that money. Obviously there are lot's of other PhDs with the exact same money in London and I'd be happy to here some thoughts.
Is it a step further from life as a student (moneywise) or is it basically the same and I've got to turn every Penny around and keep my wallet tight?
I'd be happy to hear some thoughts.
Hi Podge,
I reckon that you can fairly easily survive on that amount in London, although you will probably not be able to afford the rent on a flat by yourself. Until recently I was paying £480pcm plus bills in a house share with two other people - you can get a good idea of rent by looking at websites like rightmove. You can save money by cycling, although I think Oyster offer a special student rate for a weekly travel pass - I think that it is about £25 per week for a zone 1-2 pass, although you can check that on their website. If you are living with other students you should not have to pay council tax, and I have generally budgeted on about £30 pcm for gas and electric.
I have lived in London for about ten years, and have recently given up a full time job to live on a studentship (same rate as yours). So long as you are happy to go without foreign holidays and expensive restaurant meals etc, I find that it is perfectly possible to live well on this amount (it equates to a salary of £20k before tax - plenty of people manage to survive in London on far less). Hope that helps!
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