I'm in my final yr of MA in Religion Education but had difficult to find funding. I'm a lone parent, i find difficult to accept for full time phd and always been decline. I've been Christian many year but did find a lot of Theology school accept single people,couples more than lone parent, I had find accdemic school in this countries had bias to accept people with different background, espeically they offered them teaching post or proper decent work. A lot of them only in theory rather than in paractice, it is pretty delusion society. Is there any advice. I'd try to apply in some university in MA and Phd in Theology or Education but only self funding basis. Do I need to move to that University area and do they provide any accommodation and advice, I had moved house about 5 times with my child due to racial harrassment. It is really disturbing my study and research. I don't know what to do?