Hi everyone,
My hand in date for dissertation is 9 weeks away and I have barely started which should be causing a LOT of stress but it isn't...I think I must be in denial about it as I don't feel anything at all. I have tested half my participants but I haven't even started the write up. I have lost a lot of confidence and find it so much easier to block it out of my mind and waste days doing nothing.
I think I am so worried about messing it up that I am having trouble starting it. I did my undergrad at a different uni and got a first which made me feel great, but my marks during my masters haven't been as good and my confidence has dropped completely. I have done very little over the last couple of months and when I do try to sit down and start planning the write up I just go round in circles unsure of where to start.
I know I am probably just ranting here but does anyone have any advice on how I can get things back on track??