Do your uni have the 10% rule? because with your 6000 done you only need 13800, about 1400 words a week. Very do-able in the time. Shut yourself off from your hectic life for a few weeks, disable social networking, even turn off your mobile. Having done the study your intro, lit review, methodology and data should be a doddle as you should have based your study on a methodology and literature that I presume you submitted from your proposal? It is common practice to lift your proposal straight into your dissertation and just add to it. This is of course, unless you have gone for grounded theory, in which case you will have limited lit review/more a justification and derive your theory from the data. Speak to your uni too. You say hectic life but not mentioned what's hectic about it. If you have had work or chidcare commitments or been ill you mightbe able to agree a short extension. If it's just a case of submitting by 3rd May to graduate this year you may have to take it that if you don't make the deadline, they will still pass you but it will get to exam board late and therefore you graduate next year instead of this? You can do this. Soldier on ;-p