Hi all,
I know posts like these are mainly for PhD students but I wanted to share how my MSc has went nothing like I expected. If you read it to the end, well done! :P
I graduated with a 2.2 in Virology (under microbiology) and decided to pursue an MSc in Drug Design and Biomedical Science (at first was just biomed but a lecturer insisted that drug design would be better for job prospects) so I got in easily enough. From that point it's been a downward spiral.
My first assessment was a group project and the others were completely uncooperative, even refusing to use references, so that scored a mid pass. Lecturers kept saying how unsure they were about what level to pitch topics at for everyone came from a different background. For me it felt too fast since I took a gap year. I then ran into money problems since I took up a low pay supermarket job, and found it too hard to study full time and barely have enough food. I took time off, am now studying part time and applying for a bank loan and benefits. But now, I just feel so behind and like a layperson trying to understand very difficult topics whilst everyone else races ahead. The current labs are awful as there are too many students and not enough resources, so end up panicking and unable to write reports under the 3 hours we have per session.
I am seeing a counsellor as I experienced suicidal thoughts, and right now I'm so anxious about not getting the distinction grades I wanted because I cant keep up, they resurfaced. I feel stuck, in terms of money, job prospects if I leave, if I decide to do another course what if I don't get funding or am just not up to MSc level. I procrastinate terribly. My parents are worried about me living in a city I don't like in a rough area.
MSc has been a nightmare, is it truly worth it for a job?
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