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My name on publications


Hey guys,

I might get my name on a publication for my help durring my Master thesis.
I just checked pubmed for my name and of course it is taken, as it is a veeerrry common name...
If my name was John Charles Smith (it isn't ,) ) of course "Smith J" is taken and "Smith JC" is also taken. How does one deal with that?
Invent something or just go with the one that is less frequent?

Thanks guys ,)



Remember to take note from Joey off Friends when he was looking a stage name "Joseph Stalin is already taken!" as he found out at an audition when he tried out Chandler's suggestion!

Seriously I don't think there would be much point in you inventing a name otherwise you'd have to use that name throughout your academic career unless you have it as a stage name. I don't think it'd be a problem unless you have the same name as somebody in your field when it might get confusing! I have actually heard of that happening though I think it was in different fields within the same subject. When you do a search on the web of science it usually comes up with people with the same surname so you just have to be more specific and add the subject. Hope this helps.