Birmingham City is a ex polytechnic (also known as UCE). Probably not the best. At least check here before acting.
Beware of MBA programmes with nearly all Non UK students. They are often money making schemes. It is not an international, multi-cultural experience, you live and work with people from home. The degrees are not highly regarded; they may be "mickey-mouse" degrees. In the UK quite a lot of colleges offer degrees in partnership with recognised universities. In my experience (I've worked in some, as well as good places) they are "not the best". Beware UK colleges offering USA, French or Australian degrees. E.G. AIBA is authorised to deliver in Australia but not in UK. Check how long the degree programme has been running. Check the staff teaching the course. For USA check USDE, CHEA and OSAC. LONDON HAS MANY BOGUS MBA COURSES.