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Win £20, Helping my Master's Survey

Hello, Dear.
Im a marketing master’s student of Plymouth University.
Help my dissertation survey. It only will take you 3 min. Very simple! it is about purchasing organic food.

The link is :

You have 1% chance to win a Disney wood figurine (£20).if you are willing to leave your e-mail addresses at the end of the questionnaire.No spam messages will be sent


Done - was quick and easy to complete.

Also done, was quick and simple! x

Thanks for enthusiastic participation...
British are very kind..Xxx.
Im from China, have already lived in Plymouth about 3 years. If you have some Question about Ply Uni. or Interesting in China. You can E-mail me Tods(a) Or Facebook John wang.
Cheers mates!


Done Was one of the best ones to use actually


Done. Very quick and relevant. Cheers!


Hi, done your survey.

I'm currently writing my Master's dissertation in sustainable fashion design. Could you please complete my questionnaire in return?

Thanks so much!

[quote]Quote From MissBrui:
Hi, done your survey.

OFC, I can do that.. But in Your survey, i CANNOT type any words... please check it again?


Done, very easy to do


done, john! As much as I would like to buy organic food, high prices put me off.

I usually go to Asda after 6pm or around 7 o'clock when they start putting reduced price labels on vegetables. So far I've been very lucky because most of the reduced price stuff I've bought have been able to keep for some days (example, fresh coriander 42p--3 to 5 days). I've also bought baby pakchoi for 32p when it used to sell for £1.50. I also buy certain canned vegetables, example tinned potatoes from Tesco 15p, this is convenient if I don't have time to boil/peel fresh potatoes.

all the best for your data collection :-)
love satchi

[quote]Quote From satchi:
done, john! As much as I would like to buy or ti/quote]
O~ satchi that is wise. thanks for haring yur op
i often buy organic eggs、but meat is expansive~


Done - hope this helps - good luck!