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Writing up dissertation and loneliness.


Hi guys,

I guess I just want to vent a bit and to hear from anyone else who is writing up their dissertation at the moment.

I'm finding the actual work quite stressful at the moment (it is getting better and I'm making slow progress, though). It doesn't help that I had to move back in with my parents to do my course in the first place. My career development loan has almost gone, so when I take a day off I don't have much money to go out and do stuff which is hard. To top it all off I usually run regularly but I'm injured so my main source of stress relief has been taken away from me.

This is something I have to learn to cope with, as I'm starting a PhD in October, but at least then I won't be living with my parents and I'll have my grant money coming in!

I just have to keep reminding myself that there are only 9 weeks until the hand in date...

P.S sorry that this post is all doom and gloom and that I'm feeling sorry for myself but I needed to get it off my chest!


Hey there you are not alone in this one i have to hand mine in around about 9 weeks time as well for mid septemeber so far it's not going great with all lifes problems coming all at once which isn't great since this will determine whether or not i get a distinction. The pressure is certainly on but look on the bright side you have the next three years of your life sorted after


Im writing up my lab report. Its a very slow process, I keep finding bits I hate and tearing them out! :D Also, weve had a shedload of lab problems so its really stressing me out. I also have the daunting prospect of going back to my old job since I didnt get a PhD place to start as soon as my MRes finishes so thats making me fret as well. :(

So yeah, I know how it must feel.. also I lived with my parents after graduating and that was kinda crappy. Just make a plan of what you have left to do and count down the number of Mondays you have to go. Makes time fly for me! :D


Argh I did exactly the same - moved in with parents to do Masters, and all my friends bar one (who is out working all day) have left for the summer so I'm pretty much on my own and now thoroughly bored with slow dissertation work! I find focusing on starting PhD is a help, and promising myself the evenings off if I do a good day's work is a good motivator. Aside from that, I'd advise watching funny stuff on YouTube and not buying too many chocolate HobNobs...
Not long to go now, anyway, and it's nice to know there are other people out there going through the same thing. Best of luck!


my parents are doing my head in and i've only been here since wednesday...


I know how you feel too - I'm busy writing up my dissertation and I find it soooo hard. It's not flowing, I seem to be working all hours, and I have the added stress of my supervisor being on holiday in mid august so I have to have the entire draft completed by then as he won't be back until 2 weeks before submission date (15/9) I can't complain about him, he's wonderful, but I do feel under incredible pressure right now. Waiting for the decision of the AHRC for the Phd I'm planning to start in Oct doesn't help either
Yes its not long now, but that is terrifying in itself - 6K words down - 14K to go!! and then the inevitable rewrites!


Hiii All,

Students of all academic level now have to face the research paper submission problem. Mainly the problem arises due to lack of understanding of topic, start the writing with out having the correct outline. The main reason is dont have guidelines.

You people can get more information about your dissertation writing from various resources and also get guidelines from various outsourcing centers.

-Michael John


Well, not long to go now. 5 weeks until the hand in date.

Have almost finished my first draft ready for my supervisor to look at. It will be a relief to get some feedback because he was ill, and then went on annual leave immediately afterwards, and I haven't had a meeting with him since early July!

It is doing my head in just getting up and coming sitting in the box room and working all day by myself, but it's nearly over now. Phew.


Hi star shaped, I share your pain I've just finished my first draft - omg the relief - nearly 20K words and a huge THE END at the bottom (will have the remove that for draft submission but it felt sooooooo good) I'm just reading through now chapter by chaper and submitting to my supervisor by email, so far I've had 2 chapters back from him and its all ok, relatively minor revisions, but it would be so useful to talk in person but he's in another part of the country
It is so lonely though, hours and hours writing and writing and nobody to sound off with - it makes me kind of dread the Phd itself..