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A new story thread ....


... so please add one line to:

HangSeng has gone on holiday to find the mystical pussy which he sought for company.


With only mooncups packed in his bag how far will he get?


While he was thinking about lady gushing and his supply of mooncups he accidently stumbled onto the wrong plane and ended up on his way to Nebraska.


noticing his 'I LOVE FINDAPHD.COM' badge on his rucksack she quickly ushered him into a sideroom for a chat..


Where is was revealed that Clara was in fact a cross-dressing hitman from Texas.


HangSeng ran out of the room screaming like a little girl and ran into the big strong arms of Arnold Schwarznegger


...who said "I can't help you right now, but I'll be back".


...sipping the free Champagne provided in mooncups to passengers in first class.


he then giggled to himself at the funny metaphor he just thought up.. then once again his face became stern and thoughful as he wondered who these people really were.


Then he asked the pilot to take him to Belford University so he could buy a PhD in Sleuthing so that he could track down the little tinkers playing with his mind on the forum..


He sat there pondering about the situation and wondered if it was just going to be a confusing game of 'Cat and Mooncup'..


To which the airstewardess glided over to him leant down slowly, gently caressed his smooth cheek and said in a distinctive alluring accent 'Yer don't 'ave t'speak french luv.. Ah speak English.. Ah's from Barnsley'.. 'Now pet.. What's botherin' yer?'


'Eeee yer a saucy little beggar aren't yer?' and with a sly wink she strode over to the object of HangSeng's affection and muttered something in her ear and pointed over to him. The young lady put her hand to her mouth with shock and quickly wrote something on a piece of pink sented writing paper and handed it to the hostess who carried it back over to hangseng...


Good golly, Miss Molly! How did this thread get more than 1100 views?