Foxy is most unimpressed by your negative comments, Wally. He wishes to tell you that clearly your sister's pet was NOT a gerbil. He would like you to know that gerbils are diurnal, and that he and his fellow gerbils would never dream of playing on their wheels at night - they are far too busy napping and being cute. Foxy also says that his tail is firmly attached and that he resents the accusation that his tail is of a substandard quality. In addition, he says that you are a fine one to talk, considering that you yourself presumably don't even have a tail (perhaps your comments are motivated by tail-envy?). In conclusion, Foxy suggests that your sister's childhood pet was in fact an evil hamster with a fake tail (aka a wannabe gerbil), and that you should really get your facts straight before making such wild and slanderous aspersions.