Arrrrrrrrrr but Y am thynkyn that one of the fynest pyrats of all tyme came from Dyvyn dyd he not?
( Many of the accents in Britain are what are known as "rhotic" accents, in that they do not pronounce the letter R in words like car and forget and quarter. A New York accent in America is another example of a rhotic accent. By contrast, most American accents, a Devon accent, and Irish accents are not "rhotic"--the R in the word is pronounced. Then there is the thing called an "intrusive r" found in British accents, where the letter R, not pronounced in the words it is IN, confusingly gets added between TWO words where the first one ends and the second one begins with a vowel, so that Olivia and I is said Oliviar and I ...Pirates have to have a non rhotic accent, they have to SAY the letter R, so I think Devon is a fine place for pirates............saying Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr but not pronouncing the R sounds.......just not pirate like).
( What amazing trivia I have learnt while living in the UK!)