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I need a forum hug...please?


...Coastman? pea? Ann? H? 404? Anybody?


aww, ((((((((piglet))))))))

have some chocolate as well, chocolate is always good, and a nice cup of tea, and tell auntie aliby what's wrong.


Thanks, aliby...sniff...just having one of those days. Won't bore you with the details, just worried about what my examiners are doing to my thesis and still can't get a real job and...sniff...had dinner with my supervisors and all emotional about the end of an era...sniff. Sorry, and thanks. I really need a Coastman hug...sniff.


ah, in that case I would prescribe a glass of wine rather than tea. and definitely a coastman hug if we can find him - where are these idle PhD students when you need them


aw Piglet. Big hug from me too.


And look at 404's wonderfully comforting smiley again from me...


Never Fear, the Coast Man is Here.

Please, cry on my big, manly, superhero shoulders. (If only you could see me, that would make you laugh).

On a serious note, keep your chin up and you'll do OK.


A bug DJWickid hug (((((Piglet))))


Big hug coming in from Sylvester...(caravan)



Sorry the hug was delayed, been at a conference...

Have a great weekend!


sorry for the delay - but see you've had plenty of hugs. *big hugs* though


where are you Piglet?


hope things are looking up today for you, piglet!


Here Piggy Piggy, here lil' Piggy...


Thank you so much, everybody. Was just really down in the dumps for a couple of days, but feel much better after all those hugs.

After I submitted my thesis, I clean forgot about it and didn't worry at all for a month. Now it has been 7 weeks and my supervisor said "any day now", so I have started stressing. To make matters worse, the people at the shop I am working in have started the "you have a PhD, you should know everything" sarcastic sniggers. People are so insensitive sometimes.

Sorry for being so morose, and thanks again for all the hugs. I can feel the forum love!