Looking for Ph.D supervisor Remote Sensing, GIS, Glaciology, Watershed Modelling, Climate Change etc.



I am from Pakistan. I have completed my Masters in Geography from the University of Karachi,Pakistan. Currently I am doing research work on Climate change and its Impacts on water resources focusing on the glaciers of Himalayan region. My areas of interests are Remote Sensing, GIS, Glaciology, Watershed Modelling etc.

I want to do Ph.D the above field.I dont have any funding available to complete my Ph.D. I am looking for a Ph.D supervisor, so that under his/her supervision I can complete my Ph.D. Anyone interested please contact me at haroon538@hotmail.com or ybwc4u@yahoo.com.

Thank you very much.


Dear ybwc4u, this forum is populated by PhD students, not supervisors - you should start searching for a supervisor and funding elsewhere, and start exploring the links that are on www.findaphd.com


Thank you very much for the support. Will u please guide me where I can found a supervisor section on this site?