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Making sense of my South African Qualification in the UK


Hello everyone.

I am feeling rather defeated after finding myself unsuccessful at trying to understand the UK education standards and qualifications, in comparison to that of South African standards.

I currently have NQF 8 level in South Africa. I have completed my 3 year BA undergrad , as well as 1 year postgraduate in psychology honours. Additional to my Honours, I have completed a 720 hours supervised practicum (internship). The result - which has allowed me to register with the Health professions council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a registered counsellor.

My question to you is how does this all transpire to the UK qualifications? At what "level" would I be? If need be, what would I would need to further study/do to be eligible for UK recognition?
Any guidance or any form of information would be valuable to me. I have contacted various boards in the UK . One in particular explained to me that there are "no laws" as to who can act as a counsellor or practice psychotherapy. I find this very peculiar as in South Africa you need to have a minimum qualification of a Bspych (Which I have) and be registered with the HPCSA before you can even think of practicing.

Perhaps what I understand to be a counsellor in South Africa is not the same concept, regulations, and practice abilities to that of the counsellor role in the UK

Thank-you for your contribution


Have you tried contacting these people to see what your qualifications are equivalent to?

According to this website,, looks like you only need a diploma, not a degree

Just found all this via google, I don't know much about it to be honest...